Saturday, July 21, 2012

Worship and Scripture and... Teaching? Oh my!

We have some more specifics to share with you on what I (Mark) will be doing in Mozambique!
Let's have a brief look:
  • hang out with national and local musicians
  • learn about cultural music/dance/art in Nampula (the province we will be staying in)
  • observe and participate in worship services
  • be a part of a three-day scripture recording session
  • help teach at a Bible college
I anticipate much personal growth and stretching as a result of all of these activities, but especially one in particular.  I'll let you guess which one that is :)  That doesn't mean I'm not excited.  On the contrary, I'm as excited as this soft-spoken introvert gets!

Also, I have a link for a website that gives a picture of the kinds of things that are currently happening in Mozambique related to worship and art-
If you click on the media tab near the top, you can see and listen to different songwriting workshops, worship services, drama presentations and  more!


  1. Hi Mark and Hillary,
    Could you please send me your email address and phone number? We are interested in possibly having you as our VBS offering recipient and I'd like pictures, current fundraising info, etc to share with the kids. I tried twice yesterday to comment here, unsuccessfully. I'm a techno-dummy. Hope it works this time! Beth (PS Have you read the books about ministry in Mozambique by Rolland and Heidi Baker? I just got started - fascinating, challenging, convicting, and exciting.

    1. Hi Beth!

      Is there any way you could give us your e-mail address so I could e-mail you our phone number and any other necessary info instead of on the blog post? Our e-mail is

      Also, what's the title of the book you're reading? I've been keeping my eyes open for other good reads about Mozambique!
